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Water For Life in Ghana Initiative

Water is Life Initiative for Ghana, Africa

Omega Charities, Inc., the 501 (c) (3) philanthropic arm of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is assisting in providing funds for the boreholes for the “Water is Life Initiative for Ghana, Africa.” Our Grand Basileus, Brother Dr. David Marion, pledged to provide funds for at least 24 boreholes by November 2020. Currently, Omegas have provided nine (9) boreholes at $4,000.00 each.

Every borehole provides clean drinking water for over 62,000 brothers and sisters in Ghana, Africa. Please note that Tax deductible benefits apply to your charitable contributions to Omega Charities, Inc. as the agent facilitating this initiative.

Omega Charities, Inc. 3951 Snapfinger Parkway Decatur, Georgia 30035 Tax I.D. 02-0803693


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